Using Stylify CSS in Svelte

Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces. Whereas traditional frameworks like React and Vue do the bulk of their work in the browser, Svelte shifts that work into a compile step that happens when you build your app.

You can use Stylify CSS with SvelteKit or with Vite + Svelte App. Below are guides for both scenarios.

How to integrate the Stylify CSS with SvelteKit

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First, install the @stylify/unplugin package using NPM or Yarn:

npm i -D @stylify/unplugin
yarn add -D @stylify/unplugin

Next add the following configuration into the vite.config.js:

import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { stylifyVite } from '@stylify/unplugin';

const stylifyPlugin = stylifyVite({
	bundles: [{
		outputFile: './src/stylify.css',
		files: ['./src/**/*.{svelte,html}'],

const config = {
	plugins: [

export default config;

The last step, create src/routes/+layout.svelte with the following content stylify.css:

	import '../stylify.css';

<slot />

In case, you have created more bundles, for example for pages, you have to add paths to those generated CSS files into correct Svelte files.

Now run yarn dev. The src/stylify.css file will be generated.

How to integrate the Stylify CSS with Svelte and Vite.js

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The example below works with the Vite - Svelte template. You can however use the example below and configure it for React.js, Vue and any other framework you use.

First, install the @stylify/unplugin package using NPM or Yarn:

npm i -D @stylify/unplugin
yarn add -D @stylify/unplugin

Next add the following configuration into the vite.config.js:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'
import { stylifyVite } from '@stylify/unplugin';

const stylifyPlugin = stylifyVite({
	bundles: [{ outputFile: './src/stylify.css', files: ['./src/**/*.svelte'] }],
	// Optional
	// Compiler config info
	compiler: {
		variables: {},
		macros: {},
		components: {},
		// ...

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [stylifyPlugin, svelte()]

Now you can add the path of the generated src/stylify.css into src/main.js file:

import './stylify.css';

Now run yarn dev. The src/stylify.css file will be generated.


There is a lot of options you can configure:

Other tips

In case you use the Stylify group syntax like [h1,h2]{color:blue}, svelte will match the \{color as variable. To avoid that, use the syntax with curly brackets and template literals for class attributes:

class={` [h1,h2]{color:blue} `}

Where to go next?