On this page, you will find a list of pages, where you can find free icons for your next web project.
Icons sets
- IcoMoon
- Nucleo Icons
- Feather
- Remix Icon
- Typicons
- Eva Icons
- Octicons
- Bootstrap Icons
- Jam Icons
- Tabler Icons
- Boxicons
- CSS.gg
- Mono Icons
- Radix Icons
- Photosphor
- Themify
Icons optimization
When adding icons to your page, you might consider some optimization steps:
- If you need icons like
arrow left
orarrow right
, you might want to take one icon and use the CSS to rotate the icon in the direction you need. This way, you can have one icon for various directions - When you need to load various icons, check out some applications like IcoMoon. This app can merge various icons into one font. It can improve page performance because there are fewer requests. Also, the font is more flexible than embedding a link to each icon
- Icons should be in the SVG format. Try to avoid JPG or PNG. It is because SVG size can be changed easily without getting blurred.
- If the icon is a direct path but can be lazyloaded, you should add the
and thedecoding="async"
attribute. This allows the browser to continue rendering the page and decode images asynchronously.