Stylify CSS snippets for
Shortcuts:Automated CSS bundles
Automated CSS bundles
The snippet belows allows you to automatically split bundles for each page
and layout
It works in the following steps:
- It finds all pages in
and all layouts insrc/layouts
and calls thecreateBundles
to create bundles configuration for us with the correct layer name and output file. - The Stylify integration is initialized and CSS layers order is configured so it will generate the order only into a file, that has the
CSS layer name. - bundler:fileToProcessOpened hook is added. This hook has two parts. One part is done, when this file is a layout or a page and the another for every opened file.
- When a layout or a page file is opened, it checks, whether it contains a path to CSS file and if not, it adds it to the head of the file.
- For all other files, it tries to check for
. If any component import is found, it maps it as a dependency. This way it can map a whole components dependency tree automatically so you just keep adding/removing them and the CSS is generated correctly
- When Bundler is initialized we can start watching for newly added files within the
directory. Every time a new file is added, we create a new Bundle. - The Stylify Integration is added to the Astro config.
You can also try this example on Stack Blitz.
import stylify from '@stylify/astro';
import { hooks } from '@stylify/bundler';
import fastGlob from 'fast-glob';
import path from 'path';
import fs from 'fs';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
const pagesDir = 'src/pages';
const layoutsDir = 'src/layouts';
const stylesDir = 'src/styles';
/** @type { import('@stylify/bundler').BundlerConfigInterface[]} */
const stylifyBundles = [];
const layoutCssLayerName = 'layout';
const pageCssLayerName = 'page';
const getFileCssLayerName = (filePath) =>
filePath.includes('/pages/') ? pageCssLayerName : layoutCssLayerName;
const getOutputFileName = (file) => {
const parsedFile = path.parse(file);
const fileName =;
const dirNameCleanupRegExp = new RegExp(`${pagesDir}|${layoutsDir}|\\W`, 'g');
const dir = parsedFile.dir.replace(dirNameCleanupRegExp, '');
return `${dir.length ? `${dir}-` : ''}${fileName}.css`;
const createBundle = (file) => {
const fileCssLayerName = getFileCssLayerName(file);
return {
outputFile: `${stylesDir}/${fileCssLayerName}/${getOutputFileName(file)}`,
files: [file],
cssLayer: fileCssLayerName,
const createBundles = (files) => {
for (const file of files) {
// 1. Map files in layouts/pages and create bundles
// 2. Init Stylify Astro Integraton
const stylifyIntegration = stylify({
bundler: {
id: 'astro',
// Set CSS @layers order
cssLayersOrder: {
// Order will be @layer layout,page;
order: [layoutCssLayerName, pageCssLayerName].join(','),
// Layers order will be exported into file with layout @layer
exportLayer: [layoutCssLayerName],
bundles: stylifyBundles,
// 3. Add hook that processes opened files
/** @param { import('@stylify/bundler').BundleFileDataInterface } data */
hooks.addListener('bundler:fileToProcessOpened', (data) => {
let { content, filePath } = data;
// 3.1 Only for layout and page files
if (filePath.includes('/pages/') || filePath.includes('/layouts/')) {
const cssFileName = path.parse(filePath).name;
const cssFilePathImport = `import '/${stylesDir}/${getFileCssLayerName(
if (!content.includes(cssFilePathImport)) {
if (/import \S+ from (?:'|")\S+(\/layouts\/\S+)(?:'|");/.test(content)) {
content = content.replace(
/import \S+ from (?:'|")\S+\/layouts\/\S+(?:'|");/,
} else if (/^\s*---\n/.test(content)) {
content = content.replace(/^(\s*)---\n/, `$&${cssFilePathImport}\n`);
} else {
content = `---\n${cssFilePathImport}\n---\n${content}`;
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, content);
// 3.2 For all files
const regExp = new RegExp(
`import \\S+ from (?:'|")\\S+(\\/components\\/\\S+)(?:'|");`,
let importedComponent;
const importedComponentFiles = [];
const rootDir = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
while ((importedComponent = regExp.exec(content))) {
path.join(rootDir, 'src', importedComponent[1])
data.contentOptions.files = importedComponentFiles;
// 4. Wait for bundler to initialize and watch for directories
// to create new bundles when a file is added
hooks.addListener('bundler:initialized', ({ bundler }) => {
// Watch layouts and pages directories
// If you plan to use nested directories like blog/_slug.astro
// for which you want to automatize bundles configuration
// You will need to add the path to them here
const dirsToWatchForNewBundles = [layoutsDir, pagesDir];
for (const dir of dirsToWatchForNewBundles) {, (eventType, fileName) => {
const fileFullPath = path.join(dir, fileName);
if (eventType !== 'rename' || !fs.existsSync(fileFullPath)) {
export default {
// 5. Add Stylify Astro Integration
integrations: [stylifyIntegration]